Pig feed has become very expensive and we found a way to reduce our costing on Pig Feed. We still feed them grains and corn but reduced our feeding cost with roughly 40% – How to save cost on Pig Feed
If you have land where pigs can feed, use it! Pigs loves to walk outside and there is nothing more rewarding for a pig to dig for worms and grass-roots and rolling around in mud. Our pigs has roughly 4 hectares to walk around and a dam to cool down in those hot summer days. But, be assure pigs can turn around land, even if it is 4 hectares in no time, so managing your free range pigs are essential
Using a Gallagher Power Plus
By buying a Gallagher Power Plus B180 at our local Agricultural store with 500m shock wire we started to manage our land so that the pigs have enough space to walk on but also not destroying the land completely.
We regulate camps and rotate the pigs every other day so that the land has time to recover.
The range of the Gallagher 180 Pro is 27km and cost around R3000 or $170.
The shock machine works great but we found is that the “droppers” are very expensive and don’t last long by moving them around every two weeks.
Our solution was to make our own droppers with 1.8 meter poles and building blocks.
Building blocks works perfectly as stands and are easy to move.
We spread the building blocks (which are now my border posts) 10 meters apart in a straight line.
The pigs get used to it and getting them in and out of the camps is getting easier.
The advantage of the method is that the camps can easily be moved
with 500m shock rope allowing the pigs to graze and dig in 15000 square meters.
The pigs have been very calm in the last two weeks and their over body shape looks healthier and stronger.
What does it cost?
Gallaghar Power Plus B180 shock machine R2800.00
Building block R15.00 ($1.50)
Pole cut in 600mm R20.00 ($1.50)
Isolators R0.99 ($0.13)
It’s a quick process to set it up and moving a camp takes less than an hour.
Cindy, decided that our farm was not good enough and had her piglets down the road, about 2km from our farm. We had to take feed and water to her everyday and left her there for four days. She is back and the piglets are all healthy and so is she.
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Keywords for this Post:
how to save on pig feed
pig farming south africa
Farming Magazine South Africa
free range pig farming
can i use shock wire on pigs
can i use shock wire for free range pig farming
making camps from shock wire
farming south africa
pig farming south africa
Reducing Cost on Pig Feed: How to save cost on Pig Feed – Farming South Africa