Free eBook - Guide To Vegetable Farming

Free eBook – Guide To Vegetable Farming

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Having a home garden means having:

  1. A low-cost, healthy diet
  2. Food all year long
  3. A chance to make some money

The vegetable garden will help your family to be better nourished and healthier.
A truck needs energy to work. This energy is provided through fuel. Children need energy to grow strong and healthy. They get this energy from food. In order to be well-nourished and healthy, the entire family needs energy and nutrients that food provides.

The food groups

Foods can be grouped into seven major groups according to their nutritional characteristics.

  • Starchy Foods
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Food from Animals
  • Peas Beans and Nuts
  • Fats and Oils
  • Sugars
Free eBook - Guide To Vegetable Farming

The seven varieties of food are shown below.


Starchy foods are our main source of carbohydrate and includes the cereals (rice, wheat, and maize/corn) and the root vegetables (potatoes and cassava)

Grains supply us with large amounts of nutrients and provide the energy we need through starch. As grains are the food base, wholegrain flour and root crops that are richer in fibre are the best choice.


This group includes: carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Vegetables contribute an important amount of water to the body, as well as vitamins and minerals that help to digest nutrients and ensure healthy skin and body weight. Vegetables, prevent heart diseases and cancer, and contribute to good health in general.


Fruits help children to grow, have a healthy skin and avoid infections. It is better to eat nutritious fruits, such as guava, pawpaw, mango and oranges. Fruit should be eaten freshly harvested and neither too ripe nor too green. Fruits contain fibre, which is important for good digestion. They help to prevent constipation and diseases like cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are regulating foods, because they provide large doses of vitamins and minerals not found in other foods, and they also help other nutritious, energy-rich foods to carry out their functions properly.


Meat provides one third of the proteins needed for the growth of children and for building the body´s defense system. Adults need meat for healthy brain, skin, muscles, nails and hair. Beef, pork, poultry and fish belong to this group. Other sources of protein are eggs, dried legumes and fruits, and vegetable mixes. Milk products are the main source of calcium, minerals and proteins that contribute to the development of teeth, bones and muscles.


Dried peas, beans, and nuts are good sources of protein, starch, fiber, iron, calcium and minerals. Milk and meat are building foods because they provide proteins that help to build the body´s tissues, for example, muscles


Fats are the main source of energy and energy storage in the body. They make up the structure of some tissues. Fat makes food taste good and help develop the sense of “taste” through the pleasing sensation they produce on the palate. Some fats are: avocado, oil, butter, pork crackling, lard and sauces. If consumed in excess, they can contribute to heart disease.


Sugar is a good source of quick energy, i.e. it starts providing energy from the moment it is consumed. It gives colour to the meals and enhances their flavours, making food tastier. This group includes white and brown sugar, honey and molasses.
Too much sugar can result in diseases like obesity and diabetes

Tags: Free eBook – Guide To Vegetable Farming, download a vegetable ebook, vegetable ebook, veggie ebook, free ebook, farming in South Africa

Farming in South Africa – Free eBook – Guide To Vegetable Farming

Free eBook – Guide To Vegetable Farming

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